Can Overload Damage Your Implants? New Insights In An Old Discussion! Part II: Technical Complications
In the last issue of the Dental Diaries we introduced the concept of
“Overload” and discussed how it has been related to of
complications and failures since the early days of implant
dentistry. We focused in discussing problems with bone and
peri-implant tissue, but we also concluded that problems due to
loading are manifested more frequently on the mechanical implant
components. In particular, what we see as “overloading” failures
are often connected with some design flaws or deficiencies. Today
Drs. Mattheos and Janda will focus the discussion managing
technical problems which can occur as results of adverse loading.
More importantly, we will discuss the important underlying design
principles which will help us prevent problems and reduce
complications with the components, frameworks and veneering of
implant prostheses.